14 July 2009

Running test #1

This past weekend, back from holiday, I reached a long-awaited milestone. Click below for the evidence!

This is a vindication of all the work that has gone before, showing (a) that the trackbeds are level enough to support smooth running, and (b) that the mainline gradients are manageable. Although it has to be said, as far as (b) is concerned, that this is not the most stringent test. The test train, a Hornby class 101, is a small unit with a relatively good motor; I have yet to try the test with a longer loco-hauled train. And I also need to try the branch line, where perhaps the gradients are more challenging. I will do both of these things before going any further with construction. But, so far so good.

01 July 2009

A work in progress

This is a brief post to check in before going off on holiday. Last weekend I did a bit more in the loft, finalising the F1 sidings and putting down the first of the cork underlay on B1l.

The above shows B1 with the lid off and the underlay on. Also shown is one of my Peco setrack points with point motor attached. Every point that goes down on the lower level will need one of these motors before the lid goes on for good.

And here is F1 with the top sidings finished (and B1 removed as in the above photo).

And finally, here is B1 with the lid on (at least temporarily) showing where the lower track will join onto B2. On B1 all the bolt holes have been drilled and the top board attaches nicely to the frame. B1 is the first board that has to come out when moving the layout and it's a bit of a fiddle (as I discovered on Saturday when I had to extract it for this work) so I may have to strengthen the frame a tad more.

When I'm back from holiday I will try to run a layout test and see whether I can get a train all the way round the circuit. Watch this space...